
June 7, 2011

#8 & #16- I Cheated

Yep, I'm a total cheat.  I know I said in The List that I would make/build tables for both the Living Room and the Entryway, but I didn't.  I bought them.  (Gasp!)  I could have totally made them by myself, and probably would have saved a little money too, but I didn't.  I'd be ashamed if it didn't feel so good that these rooms are finally starting to take shape.

It all started with a little car key situation.  In our house, we don't have a His car and Her car, but rather switch off depending on where we are traveling to save on gas mileage and whether we need the bigger car to haul something.  The phrase "where are the keys?" is said nearly a half dozen times a day, and even Ry gets into it.  I'll say, "Hey buddy, want to go to the store?" and he responds, "Yes.  Where's the keys?"  Its like his own little judgmental social commentary.  I don't need this from you right now Half Pint, I'm looking through the hamper for a set of car keys.  So after a month of keys ending up all over the house, including once in the fridge, we knew our marriage would only survive if we created a central key location.  And then I stumbled upon this little guy at Home Goods for just $35.

It was a nice combination of black & brown wood that matches our current pieces, fit the tiny little space in the front entry, and had a nice rustic look.  See that awesome little wood carved bowl sitting on top?  BAM-  Car Keys Bowl.  The drawer works perfectly for sunglasses storage too, another item we are frequently scavenging the house for.  Actually, I never would have considered placing a table in this space prior, but it fits perfectly and really helps define the space.

Here's a wide shot which includes the frame of our amazing apricot tree from The Bungalow, in the Spring, Fall and Winter.  The twigs in the vase are even from The Bungalow, not because I'm crazy obsessive like that, but because I cut some from a bush outside years ago for some cheap decor, and they somehow made the trip with us to the new home.   This sweet little corner is actually one of my favorite spots now, as it's a nice little ode to our first home.

Once we got a taste of the quick and easy buy your furniture method, it felt too good to stop.  And that's when we came across this guy in Target:

 This little console was a bit more spendy at $89, but it was discounted down from it's original $129, and you know I can't buy anything without a sale tag on it.  It's a sickness.  It was the right color, the right size, and heck, it feels good to just buy something rather than spend the day building it, doesn't it?

We're still playing around with what goes on it, but for now the room is starting to take shape.  The lesson I've learned?  It's all about give and take.  Sometimes it feels amazing to build a piece of furniture from scratch, saving some money and truly making it your own.  And other times, after 30 days of concrete hauling, wood chopping and endless painting, it feels really great to buy the perfect piece, and simply place it in the room ready to go.  Don't worry, there are plenty more pieces of furniture to build in this house, I just don't want to think about them right now. 

What about you guys?  Any great furniture deals lately?  Where do you find great furniture, any suggestions? That's not to say that I will buy any more, but you know... just in case. :)

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