
August 30, 2011

A Few More Bathroom Updates

Okay- so let's dish a little first.  Anyone watch our Bath Crashers episode last night?  We were actually pleasantly surprised- they didn't make us look like idiots.  We gave them plenty of chances to, believe me. By far my favorite part was my Hubby's last quote, "I've got everything I've ever wanted in a bathroom.  I have a fireplace.  Jets for my body, some for my butt..."  Hilarious.  Watching the show actually helped remind us how lucky we were to be able to participate.  The bathroom really is gorgeous, and with a few small remaining touches, it's going to look so impressive.

Like the return of Jason's mirrored closet doors:

This will look so much cooler when it reflects beautiful frosted glass closet doors and not my ugly open closets.  In progress...
Once these doors were up, the Hubs could finally move into his closet.  It was about then we discovered that while he has a ton of space, he didn't have any drawers. 

Picture of his closet before the doors went back up.  Lots of hanging space, no drawers.

"So share some of your drawers with him Erin," you say, "you have plenty."  Nope, no I do not.  Thanksforasking. 

They're mine!  All mine!

I would much rather make Jason new drawers than give up one of mine, and I knew just the place to start.

Remember the laundry shoot solution that Bath Crashers left us?  It was a good idea, but I personally wasn't a fan.  Especially after they came back to trim it out, and it looked like this:

It just doesn't feel very finished to me, and I have some ideas for this space, but that's a story for another day.  Let's get back to the closets- and the Hub's need for some drawers.  Since I didn't want this in the Laundry Room anymore, I tore it down to re-purpose up in the Master Bathroom.  The vertical pieces were a bit too long, so I had to use a hack saw and a lot of muscle to cut and 4 inches from the bottom.

Bath Crashers left us the frame, 1 pull out basket holder and 2 baskets, so all I had to do was pick up another basket holder from The Container Store.  Shazam!

Looks great huh?  Like it was meant to be there.  While I was at it I added a little organizational fun to my closet too, in the form of my favorite Ikea closet accessory- the pull out accessory hooks.  The perfect little home for my large necklaces and belts. 

 The pull out makes it easy to see everything, but it will tuck away nicely so that the new doors (knock on wood) can still shut completely in front of them. 

So the Master Bathroom keeps progressing, and I hope to be telling you about more updates soon.  For those of you that missed the show airing yesterday, I promise to post a link as soon as it is live on their website.  That way we can all laugh at us together. 


  1. I just finished watching your show. I especially liked the comments about how you and your husband "quickly mastered" the jobs you were given. Your husband's last comments ended with "and some for my --" because our dvr is apparently family friendly and cut it off right there.

    Your blog is one the most interesting ones I read -- I check it every day to see what you've built while I've been asleep. Good luck with getting the doors on your wardrobe.

    Shannon/Portland, OR

  2. Awh shucks- you are making me blush! Thanks so much for the sweet words. Sometimes I wonder if it's worth keeping all this up, especially when work, being a parent and remodeling a home keep us busy, it's hard to add in 'maintain a blog.' It means the world to me to hear from people that are enjoying it. You made my day :)

    P.S- Smart DVR ;)
