
October 25, 2011

Beam Me Up Scotty

There's one little, but super useful detail that I neglected to share with you yesterday in my nightstand reveal post.  That's my super secret trick for managing our plug in electronics bedside.  The good news  is that you don't need to build your own nightstands to make this trick work at your bedside, it can be done with any piece.  

First I purchased a pack of small eyelet hooks from Home Depot.  Then I used 2 pliers, to twist the eye portion from the bottom of the hook, creating an opening in the eye.  It takes a little bit of elbow grease to open them up, but a set of pliers in each hand gives you a firm grip of each side and leverage.

 Then I twisted the eye bolts into the back of my nightstands, about 1 inch down from the top.

The opening in the eye bolt was just wide enough to get my iPhone plug in, as well as my Kindle charger, and the iPad on my Hub's nightstand.  Placing the eye 1 inch down from the top of the dresser ensured that my cables would stay right up at the top of the nightstand for easy access each night.

But that they were completely hidden from the front of the nightstand.  No mess of cables or plugs, and no digging around behind the nightstand each night to find the cord that fell down.

All in it cost me $1.47, and I'll save countless hours of frustration looking around for the cords each evening.  I've said it before, and I'll say it again, it's the little things around here.  I may have 2 disgusting bathrooms and a List full of dozens of projects, but simplicity and organization do it for me every time.

How about you guys?  Any fun organization tips you use in your home you'd like to share?  Any obsessive color coding and labeling?  Come on, it can't be just me... can it?


  1. What a great idea! It is such a pain having to dig behind the night stands to look for cords!

  2. I'm sure it was difficult - but that is such a beautiful window! All that gorgeous light!
