
November 7, 2011

How to Install a Dual Flush Converter

For this post about installing our push button flush, I briefly considered the post title, 'Push It, Push It Real Good." So to give this little baby a sound track, I suggest you take a quick look at this video first.  It will set the mood so to speak. 

That song is gonna be in my head for days...

Step 1: Shut off the water to the toilet and flush it until your tank is empty.

Step 2: Remove the tank lid and untwist the washer that holds the flusher to the tank.  At least for our toilet, the washer didn't loosen "lefty loosey" like usual, but before I figured that out I called in the big guns for help.  He couldn't get it either.

Step 3: Remove the tank stopper from the bottom of your tank.  If you have recently purchased a dirty and neglected foreclosure, I recommend that you use gloves.  Our plug was covered in a brown scum.  Sick.

This is where Hubs got back at me with my own "straddling the toilet" photo.  This is the only photo I have though of the packaging and the super easy to follow instructions with even-a-dummy-can-follow-them pictures.

Step 4: Place the base of the converter in your tank drain and tighten with the supplied zip tie. 
Step 5: Snap on the top of the converter into the base.

Step 6: Place the button on the outside of the toilet, and click it into the control piece inside the tank.  Seriously, it was as easy as it sounds.

Pa-push it real good.
Step 7- Follow the instructions for optimum water level and pressure.  You just need to know how many gallons your toilet fills with, which you can find just behind the seat.

The whole thing took 10 minutes tops, which is pretty great considering that we can save up to $90 a year.  Not to mention the warm fuzzy of being green and saving water.  Now only if I felt warm and fuzzy about the state of the rest of this bathroom.  Have I mentioned that it's gross?

Super gross. 

By the way, I was asked to participate in Home Depot's Live Green, Save Green program to share with you all how you can conserve at home and save money in the process.  I was compensated for the products used, but my opinions of the products and the process are my own. 

1 comment:

  1. We bought a dual-flush toilet (and here I thought I was the first of anyone I know to do so), but I didn't know you could convert from one flush to two. I thought there was a special design element that helps make the most of the small flush.... You'll have to let me know how that works out.
