
January 6, 2012

#145 Part 2- Gettin' Trim

If you were excited to come back and check out my finished wardrobe doors today, this is not going to be your favorite post.  Looks like I’m going to need just a little more time this weekend to finish up a few last things and get the photos taken.  In the mean time- let’s make our way back to the Workout Room, shall we?

Many of you saw back on this post that I won the Paint the Wood Door battle.  What I haven’t shown you yet is that the rest of the trim is back in and looking great.


After one coat of primer and two coats of a semi-gloss Decorator White Door & Trim paint, we brought everything back into the house to install.  Luckily we have a nailer (best tool ever), so it was just a matter of putting these guys back in place and shooting in a few brad nails.

Get in line ladies.

  Afterward we went back over the nail holes with a tiny bit of wood putty to completely hide them.  After a day to dry, I rubbed the putty lightly with 220 grit sand paper and put a dab of white paint on it.  Flawless.

Don’t these doors look so much better crisp and white?

The “Muscle Factory and Center for Super Human Research” (as the Hubs calls it), is coming along nicely.  I’ll show you some more of our progress in this room, as well as the wardrobe doors (I promise!) next week.  In the meantime, have a great weekend!

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