
February 21, 2012

Elephant Birthday Party!

Fortunately, time does not stand still for projects like bathroom renovations.  During the last three weeks between bathroom projects, we've had a lot of other stuff to do too.  My favorite thing was helping my cousin plan and create the first birthday party of her son, and my Godson, Beckett. 

This awesome little man spent his first 52 weeks posing with an elephant, so it was only fitting that we top the year off with an elephant party. 

This elephant punch from Martha Stewart's line at Michael's made all the difference!

Morgan (Beckett's Mommy) came over one evening and we let our boys sleep while we got our craft on.  Yes, this party did include pizza and some beers- it's not your mother's crafting party!

I created these menu cards by making the elephant design in illustrator, and putting it all together in InDesign.  Printed out on cardstock, all I had to do was cut them out individually and fold in the middle. 

And those big letter circles were also just printed out on card stock:

...and attached with these adorable mini clothes pins Morgan had: some card stock triangles we cut out to make this awesome pennant. That was Morgan's genius idea- see why I love the girl?

I also designed 2 different stickers that I printed on name badge stickers.  We attached them to these cute little paper sacks to make personal popcorn bags. 

My favorite thing were these adorable cupcake toppers we put together.  The easiest way to decorate a cupcake that I know of!

Peanuts and animal crackers made the perfect simple and yummy snacks for this party theme.

The party was totally adorable and a huge success!  But the best part was the smile on this little guy's face. 

Come on Mom- enough with the pictures already! :)

 Happy first birthday Beckett!  We love you!

UPDATE:  Here's the link to create your own menu cards if it helps! 


  1. How sweet! And in the mind of this veteran mom, you had an awfully productive year!

  2. Totally missed the godson part and it dawned on me that A) that is not your son's name, B) he is more than a year old. Ooops! You are a rockin' godmother, though.

  3. This is by far the cutest Elephant Party I have seen thus far! How did you guys do the invitations? I am currently trying to figure out my son's 1st birthday party with an Elephant theme. Do you sell this template by chance? I am not very good with creating things with Illustrator myself. Great job with this!

  4. Just popped over from the Young House Love Pinterest Challenge

    What a cute party theme! Looks like your little guy really enjoyed it :)

  5. Adorable! Great job! And pizza & beer can always help you get your crafty on! Heidi Rew from

  6. Your little guy is so adorable!! The party looked great too :)

  7. How cute! What a great job, and thanks for linking up with the Winter Pinterest Challenge!

    Erin @ The Great Indoors

  8. First cake smash! Lol, Beckett looks so messy yet still adorable!

  9. i would love to know how you did the menu cards. i am doing my sons first birthday next month and the theme is also elephant

    1. I included a link to download the menu card file I created. Hope this helps!

  10. I would also love to use your awesome ideas for my son's 1st birthday party!! Are you able to share the templates for the labels for the popcorn bag and the circle templates for the name?

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