
March 12, 2012

Wall Art

Four months into this big foreclosure adventure, I declared our immediate need to start making this place a home and getting some art on the walls.

 We're coming along, but there's still a lot more I'd like to do.  Here's a few of the things I love and pinned on my "Wall Art I Can Make" board on Pinterest.

Source: via Erin on Pinterest

Source: via Erin on Pinterest

I think I need to just force myself to get working on this or I'll never do it.  There's always so many big projects to accomplish (another bathroom project to begin soon!) that I don't take the time to create the little things that would make this place feel like less of a construction zone, and more like ours. 

How about you guys- have you made any wall art lately?  Or find a special piece that means a lot to you and your family?  I wish we were that family that has art all over our house from the vacations that they've been on.  Maybe someday when we have more time (and cash) for travel.  I mean the best part about a home is how you build and collect memories in it over the years- right?


  1. Great wall art choices. I love the 1st one with the animals!

  2. Love all this stuff! So cute. :)

  3. Although our projects haven't been as big as yours, we still have a complete lack of anything on our walls. I've been saying for a while that I need to focus on the small stuff more. We've got two kids but NO pictures of them up anywhere. It's terrible! Good luck! I'm going to tackle this too!
