
March 6, 2012

#49- Kitchen Light Upgrade

One of the things we've been wanting to replace since the minute we moved in was the big, glowing casket coming out of our kitchen ceiling.  

Exhibit A:

And Exhibit B:

We've come along way on this room, huh?  But enough of the patting of the back... let's dismantle that light!

 I removed the bulbs and the housing cover to expose this florescent disaster.

 Which thankfully didn't take too long to adios.

But those five big circles on the left hand side weren't making me very happy.  Either were all the nails they used to attach this big brown box to the ceiling.

I won't sugar coat it, once this big bad boy was down, we weren't thrilled with what was left.  It doesn't help that our kitchen has the dreaded popcorn ceilings, which you know we love to remove from this and this post, (are you picking up on the sarcasm, because I'm laying it on pretty thick.)

Here's the flush mount, understated option we picked to put up in it's place... in a mess of jacked-up popcorn ceiling.

Yikes.  I'm not sure how we're going to fix it just yet.  We swore after the bathroom ceiling that we'd never work on our own popcorn ceilings again, but I'm sure it will cost us a small fortune to hire it out, money that we need to spend on our next bathroom.  Maybe we should have just left the coffin.... but the room already looks so much bigger without the huge box filling up such a big space.  I guess we'll just take this one project at a time... and save this next project for a time when I'm feeling a little more brave.

How about you guys?  Anyone else get head over heels into a home improvement project and couldn't find your way out?  Remove a light to find a popcorn ceiling mess?  Have terrible florescent tube lighting in your house you can't wait to tear out of the ceiling?  I can't be the only one.


  1. We have the giant box light too! Luckily the vaulted ceing in our kitchen made it not so closed in, so for now I just painted that sucker to match the ceiling. Someday we will change it out....

  2. My mom put one of those lights in her kitchen just a few years ago. Who knew they were still being sold! And her kitchen is smaller with lower ceilings than yours. If she was more internet-savvy, I'd direct her to your blog to get some good ideas.

  3. Would a fresh coat of ceiling paint help the appearance?

  4. Oh my gosh... I share your pain! I have a huuuumongous fluorescent light box in our kitchen also (no lie, it is probably 2x the size of yours)... and the word "casket" does come to mind! I know it's still a work-in-progress, but you have done a great job so far! Thanks for demystifying the removal process somewhat for me. I really want to do this!!!


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    5th class board
    the result of 8th class 2018
