
May 30, 2012

#189- All in a (Half) Day's Work

I hope you all had a fantastic Memorial Day Weekend.  I was thrilled for my little family of 3.5 to get out of town for the weekend.  We went up to Northern Minnesota and stayed at our family cabin, and it was incredibly relaxing and fun.  We purposely left the house so that we wouldn't be lured into any home improvement projects, and could just enjoy some down time together. It was project-free-fantastic.

We got home at around 3PM on Monday afternoon, and after unpacking the Hubs ran across a sale on our wood flooring at Lumber Liquidators.  Before I knew it, he had made a call to confirm that it was in stock, and was out the door to pick it up before they closed at 4PM.

While he told me that he was just picking it up today so that we "had it," then next thing I know by 4:30 the Loft looked like this:


I mean, I couldn't blame him.  The carpet in this room had always been the worst in the house (well... almost.)

I mean, it was like someone shook up a can of soda laced with permanent ink and let it rip in this room.

So I guess I shouldn't have been shocked when before 5PM he was doing this:

And then this:
Which left us with this:

If you are thinking that this was just a prep day, then my Hubs is about to surprise you too.  Before I knew it staples & nails were pulled, underlayment was down and the wood was starting to fly.  I laid the wood and measured the cuts, while the Hubs ran up and down the steps a thousand times to cut the boards down in the Garage. (Getting out of stair duty is one of the many benefits of human incubating.)   It all went so fast I barely remembered to take any photos, but this one is date stamped 7:27PM:

At 7:54 we have a finished floor:

And by 8:16 the molding is back in:


And forgive the crummy iPhone photo, because at this point we were quickly cleaning up so that we could eat some dinner, but by 9PM we were looking like this:

Over all, not bad for a "project free weekend" huh?  It's funny to me that we didn't even consider doing this project this weekend until about 4PM, and at 9PM the room was complete.  We still have to pick up a better rug for this space, and right now we're thinking something shaggy and white.  The Hallway and Playroom are up next, but considering how quickly this room went, we can knock that out on Saturday. 

So what did you guys do this holiday weekend?  Did you get out of town?  Relax with the family?  Work on any house projects?  I still can't believe we fit in all three.


  1. Go Jason!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. AnonymousMay 30, 2012

    The loft looks wonderful, you guys are so handy when it comes to putting things together, hope all is well.
