
May 9, 2012

Our Next Big Project

What's our next big project?  It's not our staircase, or the wood floors, or painting the cabinets in the kitchen.  It's a much bigger project that we've been working on for some time, and I can't wait to share it with you...

Did you catch the little bump?  The next big project is Baby #2!  We've been brewing this little one for about 17 weeks, and we just found out if our Lil' Man will be having a baby brother or baby sister.  

Want to guess?



We are so thrilled that our active and crazy little guy will soon have a little brother to play with.  (Although he'll have to spend a year or so just cuddling and loving him until he's big enough to wrestle with.)  Ryder originally wanted us to have a girl, because "baby girls are so c-uuute," but he's since warmed to the idea of another little guy to play baseball and Legos with. 

This little bundle is the reason we completed 2 bathroom renos in under 3 months, and plan to take on a couple more dirty and disruptive home projects before he gets here.  We've spent the last year living in a construction zone, but the plan all along was to get as much done as quickly as we could so the house would be *relatively* back to normal by the time we were ready to bring an infant home.  Don't get me wrong, The List is seemingly never ending, and we'll always have work to do on the house, but we'd like to get the big stuff that requires demo and leaves the house a new-mom-panic-inducing-mess out of the way.  So here's to some fun projects ahead in the next 20 weeks or so... including my favorite- the Nursery! 


  1. Congrats! Having two boys is awesome (albeit loud and messy). Best wishes to you!

  2. Yay! This is wonderful news -- best wishes to you and your family!

  3. Congratulations! What awesome news! :)

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  5. Aunt kathMay 10, 2012

    So happy for you guys. Ryder will be a great big brother! Love ya. Aunt kath.

  6. Congrats! It will be fun to see how much you get done when you are actually nesting!!

  7. AnonymousMay 16, 2012

    Congrats! So excited about your new project. Cant wait to see the nursery:)

  8. Congratulations! That's the best kind of project. :-)

    Erin @ The Great Indoors
