
September 21, 2012

How Wonderful Life Is...

After finishing up the natural bird mobile, I was ready to get to work on that big, empty space above the dresser.  You know, that big space right in the center, smack in the focal point of the room.  I wanted something interesting enough to fill that wall, but not too big or crazy that it would compete with the old world mural.

 My plan was to find some art using the lyrics from one of my favorite songs, a song I have been singing to Little Boomer for months now, Your Song by Elton John. I'm not embarrassed to say that my 16 year old self  first fell in love with this song after hearing Ewan Mcgregor's version on Moulin Rouge. (Okay, maybe I should be embarrassed, but I'm letting the freak flag fly.)  The sweet honesty of the lyrics get me every time.  Sap.

I did a quick internet search and was shocked with all the different versions already out there. The internet is the best little inspiration machine ever.  (Well, when used for good instead of evil that is.) I've linked all the images so you can check back to their original awesomeness if you like.


At the end none of these looks really fit the feel I was going for with this nursery, so I took a little time to create my own.  This kick bootie free font I found has a very natural and rustic feel to it.  Almost as if the type is made of different patterns of flannel. 

Note: I do realize that Elton John's version is, " is while you're..." but the Moulin Rouge version says, " is now you're..." and for baby I feel like that one is a bit more fitting.  And here it is in an Ikea Ribba frame:

And because I'm a giver, if you're interested, I'm adding my version to the other fabulous options on the web.  You can download it here. I sent mine to Costco and printed it as a 16"x20" for only $6.  Enjoy! More fun Nursery projects to come next week- we're almost ready for this little bambino!


  1. Looks great, Erin! And also.... awwwww :)

  2. Seriously, Ewan Mcgregor's voice in Moulin Rouge is oh so dreamy. I could listen to him all day long.... Great choice and so sweet!

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