
October 15, 2012


Our sweet little man, Boden Wallace Swartz.

Bo surprised us about two weeks early, but we couldn't be happier to have our little snuggle bug home with us.  Big brother Ryder is so proud of his brother, and will tell anyone who will listen,  "We have a new baby.  His name is Boden but for his short name we call him Bo.  He's zero years old.  I'm four."  Thank you strangers for your kind head nodding and smiles.  

Thanks for allowing me a little blogging break as we adjust to our new reality.  Although back when we bought this big project house I had intended to blog daily, over time (and a lot of projects) I've really tried to prioritize my time best for our busy lives. For me, right now, I'm finding the best schedule is telling you about projects as we do them.  Don't think for a second that this means that you won't be hearing from me in awhile though, in fact, Boden's early entrance interrupted the final major home improvement project we were hoping to tackle before we became a family of 4.  Here's a little hint:

 So stay tuned for more on that big project to come.  In the mean time I'm off for some cuddling with my boys.  Bliss. 


  1. Congrats, mama! Enjoy this time with your new family!

  2. What an adorable boys you have! Cant wait to see the next big project :)

  3. Congratulations! He is absolutely beautiful!

  4. Congrats! I figured that's why you were MIA in blogland. Enjoy this special time!

  5. Congratulations! He's gorgeous (and now I'm broody!)

  6. Congratulations. Your boys are quite a pair. Enjoy them!

  7. Give us more baby pictures! !
    Congratulations. He's gorgeous!

  8. Congratulations!!! I've been MIA from blogging, too, but because I'm back in school and working full-time. It's a difficult balance, and I can't even imagine how you balance two kiddos! Bo is beautiful- and I know you must be proud of his big brother, too. :-)

    Erin @ The Great Indoors
