
December 14, 2012

Oh Christmas Tree

I’ll come clean with you guys, I’m a huge fan of Christmas.  It’s sort of obscene.  For me it’s not just the music and the food, but the opportunity to create this kind of magical atmosphere and memories that will last a lifetime.  Even though I know my holiday will never be as perfectly decorated and scripted as the seasonal movies, I can’t help but try. Obsessively. The Hubs puts up with it because he loves me, but barely.  In comparison he’s the Grinch- but we’re the yin to each other’s yang.  It’s how we roll.

So last year when we put up our very first Christmas tree in our new house, I tried to hide my disappointment when our quite expensive 6 foot balsam fir looked like a dwarf in our Living Room with nearly 20 foot ceiling.  This year, the Hubs didn’t stand a chance when one of our friends told us about a cut your own tree lot that specializes in 16’+ trees, with every tree on the lot costing just $25.  Sure the lot was over 50 miles away, but think of the memories… the experience… the carols we can sing on the way there…  Too far.  I recognize that now.

Thankfully the kids did great in the car, and the Hubs and I even got a little time for adult conversation on the way.  Talk about a Christmas Miracle. 

Ryder loved cutting down the tree with his Daddy.

And I loved snuggling with my little polar bear.

And once we got it home- we got our ho-ho-ho on.  

"Look Mommy- it's as big as me!"
Can't. Control. The. Excitement.
I had to get out a couple of step ladders to hang the lights.

And we reached the top of the tree from the Loft. 

I wish I could have purchased more garland, but they weren’t selling the same awesome deep red color I found last year.  Luckily the huge gold bulbs I had did a great job filling up the space.


We hung a few stockings by the chimney with care...

So blessed to add a forth stocking this season.

I couldn't be more excited about our 14 foot beauty- the house smells amazing and you can't deny the holiday spirit.  There's nothing better than cuddling up on the couch with the fireplace on and reading my boys some Christmas books.  We're making memories people- and that's what it's all about.

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