
May 24, 2013

It's The Weekend- Let's Build a Bar

So the first step to the wet bar was admittedly boring.  Plumbing and air ducts aren't very flashy, and if they're done well they are not seen at all, but it was a necessary first step.  Next it was time to take this empty little corner and make a bar.

So here's the plan: on the left, closest to the plumbing, we would put a small bar sink. Next to the sink base, we would put a small beverage fridge under the counter top for water, soda, chilled white wine, etc...  This fridge is not to be confused with the keg fridge which we planned to place in the Cat Closet and run a tap line out to the counter.  The keg fridge is just really big, and would take up this whole space on its own, not to mention it has been a little beat up over time and a couple moves, so placing it in the closet was the best solution. Here's a visual thanks to

My original plan was to build the sink base cabinet, but I was surprised to find this little 21" base cabinet on sale for $69.  I probably couldn't have built it for that, and it certainly saved me time.  I just had to spend 15 minutes removing the drawer and reattaching the face to make it a faux drawer so there was room for the sink.  I also took off the door for painting.

 On the far right side I had to build a panel that could finish off the edge (not just leave the fridge showing) and provide a place for the countertop to rest and be attached to. I took some left over 2x4s and ripped them down to a 3" width, which was all the space I had between my beverage fridge and the steps.  I used those to build a little framing wall to the same height as the sink cabinet.

To finish off this framing wall I cut a piece of 1x4 to create a front panel, and a 1/4" piece of plywood as the side panel.  It will make sense in a minute. Everything got 3 coats of the same charcoal gray paint we put on the wine bar, so that this whole area of the Family Room felt intentional and cohesive.

The framing was attached firmly to the back wall and side of the steps.  As you can see we didn't spare any time getting a few beverages in the fridge.

I attached the side panel before we put it in, because obviously we couldn't put it in after the fact.

 Then I just used my nail gun to attach the front panel to the exposed framing, like so:

Not too shabby, but the fun part is still to come.  The good news is we have the fridge stocked for the weekend.  Any fun plans this holiday weekend?  Is anyone planning to get in a little DIY?   I'm hoping to relax and spend some quality time with my family and friends, but I can't guarantee I won't grab a few tools over nap time.  It's a sickness friends! 


  1. Erin - I'm so impressed that you're building this yourself! Aaron get's the construction badge in our house. I'm happy to help where I can (paint, clean up, cooking delicious meals for post construction, etc). Color me impressed by your construction prowess.

  2. Good work...and funny timing.

    I was just doing a write up for my website on the bar I built in our basement.

    We have something in common: we've both been on Bath Crashers. Keep an eye out for our holiday episode later this year. ;)

  3. Excellent work! I would love to take on a project like this in our house. Last summer, we built a large playhouse in the backyard for the kids. We even added windows and insulation so they could use it even when the temperature starts to drop. Maybe a bar project is in our future? Thanks for the inspiration xoxo
