
September 30, 2011

A Place for our Stache

The Laundry Room projects still continue, but while I'm slaving away on a rug for the room, I thought I'd update you with a quick little accessory I made for the room, based on this inspiration I found on Pinterest. Since I already had a jar handy in my cupboard that hasn't found a home in the new house yet, all I needed was something to paint on the glass with.  Turns out Michaels has glass etching markers, and with my 50% off coupon, it only cost me $2.15.  Practically stealing.

So I played around on my design programs for a while to find the exact style and font I wanted, and printed it out.  Then I just taped my design to the inside of the jar, and traced it with my glass etching marker.

My name is Erin, and while I don't have a single artistic bone in my body, by God I can trace.

Then you just wait 24 hours, and then bake it in the oven for 1 hour at 350 degrees.  And viola:

What better accessory for the Laundry Room than a place to "stache" all that change found in our pockets?  The entire project took me about 10 active minutes and $2.15.  That's my kind of DIY.  On the completely other end of the time spectrum is the rug I've been working on. I can't wait to share that  project with you on Monday, if by some miracle I have it done by then.  How about you guys?  Any big plans this weekend?  Any DIY?  Please share, it makes me feel less crazy. :)

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