
October 21, 2011


It's been a big week, but I'm so excited for the weekend.  We have a bunch of projects planned.

No- I'm not going to do any painting of the Playroom... just yet.   Thank you all for weighing in on the big Repaint Debate with me and the Hubs.  Seriously, I love your comments like I love ice cream.  I can't ever get enough.   If you haven't weighed in yet please do here, as we're at like 35-25-25-15 right now.  I need a little more clear direction. :) 

Before we get to painting, we've got a bunch of small upgrades to tackle this weekend for our Home Depot Live Green Save Green program, to get our house energy efficient and ready for the big Minnesota winter.  

Geez... somebody is pumped about energy efficiency. 

We've got some gutters to install above our front door before the big winter snows, melts and refreezes.

I may or may not have a fun little project to tackle in this area of the house, but I'm not going to jinx it and share any details yet:

And the most exciting of all- the Hubs actually said to me yesterday that this weekend, is finally the weekend for us to finish up that ridiculous step project.

Okay, that's a lot of stuff.  Maybe we won't get it all done.  But I love this feeling at the beginning of the weekend when it feels like anything is possible.  Way better than the end of the weekend when you're exhausted anyway... We'll make sure to fit in a trip to the pumpkin patch with our little pumpkin, and a little home made cider pressing and apple pie baking with the apples from my parent's tree.  Because in the end that's what it's really all about.  The projects on The List can wait.  Happy weekend everybody.


  1. Just stumbled upon your blog though another and absolutely love it!american houses are huge unlike houses here in Melbourne(australia). will be following your transformations!


  2. oh my gosh! found you via yhl. your house is nothing short of AMAZING! do you mind if i follow you regularly? i can't get over your beautiful home. i'd give my right arm (and my husband's) to have a house like that! i have a blog, too.

    though my house is nothing compared to yours, so you may find me boring, lol.
