
November 9, 2011

#182- There She Blows

You might remember that back when we did our Home Depot Live Green, Save Green Energy Audit, we discovered that our insulation was coming up a little short.

Especially above the Master Bathroom.  Bath Crashers had moved a bunch of the insulation around up there when working on the new bathroom's electrical and rain shower, and after a closer look we discovered that there was barely any insulation above the shower.  No wonder it's been so cold in there.

So when I reported the results of our audit back to my friends at the Home Depot, I was thrilled when they offered to send out a team to blow new insulation in for us.  Wait- you mean someone else will do all the work?  All we have to do is show you where the attic is?  I've died and gone to DIY Blogger heaven.

Our team was super professional and took extra care to cover up my doorless closets.  At least somebody cares about closing these up for me.

Here's the part where I tell you how incredibly luck we are that Home Depot came around, because while our installer was up in the attic they discovered something that I hadn't- the pipes that Bath Crashers installed for the rain shower were never insulated.  Yep, without our friends in orange sometime this year in the middle of a cold Minnesota December or January, we would have had yet another pipe explosion from frozen pipes that likely would have ruined our brand new shower and potentially the whole bathroom. Are you kidding me?  If we would have had a third water leak from Bath Crashers that pretty much would have been the end of it for me.  You'd find me homeless in an alley somewhere talking to myself with a banana peel for a pet.  (Here's the story on the first and second leak.)

Lucky for us the super helpful installers had this insulated foam material on hand, and offered to build a box around the pipes to insulate them. 

Here she is up above the shower keepin' our pipes warm.  I heart you Home Depot. 

Once she was in and secure, they could cover it with cellulose insulation.  I can't believe how little insulation was left up there!

And then they filled up the rest of the attic.  'Dair she blows!

1 comment:

  1. Cool beans on the Home Depot project(s). You are right that that pipe was an accident waiting to happen. Thank goodness they caught and fixed it. Our new master bath has shower tiles in the shower ceiling and our GC had to build an extra level of ceiling in to insulate it and keep it away from the attic. Our pipes should be safe, but as a result, our shower ceiling is kinda low (due the the roof line, our regular ceiling was already several inches under 8 feet tall).
