
December 22, 2011

The Eighth Day of Christmas

The best part of the holidays is definitely the food.  Well, right after giving, and charity, spending time with family, yada, yada, yada....

But back to the food.  Before we stuff our faces until we burst with sugar plums and candied yams, it makes me feel better to eat at a beautiful table. 

Yes, the Dining Room needs a lot of work, but try to ignore that and focus on our little holiday masterpiece.

I went with a gold and red motif, using a gold runner and gold chargers to break up the red table cloth.

Candles at varying heights and a sprig of evergreen from the back yard completed the table.  I also folded my napkins into little silverware pockets.  The tutorial on the internet was literally called "folding napkins for dummies." They definitely know how to flatter a girl.

And as always, I cannot take a blog photo around here with out a certain little someone jumping in front on the camera and screaming, "Cha-eeeeeeeeese!"

 But it's sort of fitting, because that little guy is really what the holidays are all about for me.  I'm going to take a few much needed days off to celebrate the season with my family.  For those of you that don't believe I have the ability to relax, I'm out to prove you wrong.  A bottle of red wine might help...

So happy holidays to you all.  I'll stop back in the New Year to fill you in on the closet door and Workout Room progress.  Cheers to you and your family!

1 comment:

  1. A belated Merry Christmas and early New Year to you! Hope your holidays were wonderful. I just turned on the TV and happened to catch your episode of Bath Crashers! Thought I'd pop over and say hi :)
