
January 3, 2012

Plans for 2012

Welcome back everyone!  Thank you all so much for allowing me to indulge in a long holiday break.  While I had planned to use my time off to work on a bunch of house projects and even get a little ahead on the blog, I'm proud to tell you that I didn't. Nope. Instead I spent time with my family, ate great food and relaxed.  Really.  It was incredible.

 I also spent a little time reflecting on where we've come since we moved into the house a little over eight months ago, and where we'd like to go from here.  We've got a few big projects that we can't wait to tackle, as well as a bunch of smaller, organizational plans.  It's not very glamorous, but we've been so busy with the big projects, we never really took the time to organize our stuff.  The result is a bunch of closets that I'm embarrassed to open, and mass chaos when it's time to find anything important.

Just a little over a month ago, our Exercise Room was Junkyard Junction

You can see the full list of projects that we want to tackle on this house here, but here's the cliff's notes version of the stuff I'd like to accomplish in the first half of 2012:

Gut & Completely Redo the Main Bath (Here's what we're thinking)
Paint the Kitchen Cabinets (Holla!  We finally decided over the break that we're painting those bad boys white, and I'm thrilled with our choice.)
Finish the Workout Room
Make the Basement Bathroom usable, and maybe take on some minor remodel projects.
Build a Table for the Toy Room

I'll also be working towards a little more balance in 2012, which means I may not get a chance to post everyday.  You'll still get all the details of our projects, but I'm just going to take a little more time to sleep and watch bad TV.  We've got a lot more work left to do on this house, and I don't want to burn out too early.


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