
March 15, 2012

Main Bathroom Planning

First of all, let me first thank you all for sticking with me this past week.  I was on a business trip for work for a week, and obviously it's hard to work on home projects from 1000 miles away.  I tried to post as often as I could for you all, and now that I'm back, we'll get started on a new project or two stat.

 We're not going to start small either.  We're fresh off the heels of our Downstairs Bath remodel, and for some unexplainable reason, we're actually pretty jazzed to get working on the next one.  Crazy- right?  But for one reason or another, this last bathroom remodel wasn't nearly has back-breaking and soul-crushing as our Emergency Bathroom remodel back in our Bunaglow.  It helped this time that we had 2 other full bathrooms we could use durning the process, and the fact that there was no timeline gave us the luxury to skip a day here and there when we needed a little break.  Sure, the demo was disgustingly dirty and the drywall mud & taping made me want to loose my mind, but all in we have a pretty fantastic bathroom to show for it. 

This time around, our inspiration is a little more natural, with wood tones to work with the core of the home, and stone that feels warm and natural.  We started with this vanity, because I love the floating vanity look, especially in a long and narrow bathroom, the open floor makes the space feel so much bigger.

I'd love to show it to you with the sink in it, but I've spent far to much time on Ikea's website already this evening trying to find this combination.   If you don't mind I'll skip the looking and save my sanity for the evening.  

I'm loving this shower curtain for a clean and natural vibe. 

And I love this simple and clean mirror and light combination.  (Minus the yellow walls here, I'd prefer to go with a more neutral gray/brown/taupe color.  Still working on that.)

These creamy, extra long travertine tiles will be neutral, yet modern with the extra long length.

 And I'd love to tile wainscoting like this with subway tile, but I haven't gotten the Hubs on board just yet.  "Subway tile is too over done."  Really?  Ripping on a classic?  I'm so happy he recently acquired strong feelings for home decor.  Truly.

I'm thinking some shelf like this above the toilet will provide a little storage.

And this one is a little more tricky to visualize, but I'd love to use my closet door building skills to replace the pocket door with  natural, frosted glass screen door sort of like this one:

But the planning only gets us so far, it's time to start swing the sledge hammer.  Just give me a few minutes to unpack and we're going to get moving.  What have you all been up to?  It's been fantastic weather here in Minnesota, has anyone gotten out in the yard yet?  I can't wait to get started on ours... one project at a time...


  1. Don't you love husbands' opinions. I'm lucky to have such a style-minded guy, too. He'd love to decorate our house like the Jungle Room of Graceland. Lucky me.

    Y'all are impressing me with these projects! Do you sleep? WHEN? Can't wait to see!

  2. Go outside and have a beer Erin! You're making us all look bad :)

  3. Erin, what do you think of the light in the shower now that you've lived with it a while?

    1. To be honest, we haven't really thought about it since. I kept enough extra tile to redo the back if we ever want to down the road, so I'm waiting until it really bugs me before do anything drastic.

  4. Erin,

    Just a heads up. My husband and I just install travertine that looks very similar to this in our master bath (tiles were 16"x24"). Be warned: they break in half VERY easily. All that natural texture that comes from the holes in the stone makes them fragile. We would go to pick one up to move it, or pick it up off the wet saw after cutting, and BOOM, much smaller usable tile. We still love they way it looks, but had exactly zero tile left over after purchasing a generous 15% overage. Nothing less fun than being one tile short, so I thought you'd want to know. Good luck, love the look on the new project (neutral + natural = my jam).

    1. Thank you so much for the heads up Carrie? We haven't completely decided yet, but we're leaning towards a ceramic tile instead, but we'll fill you in on all the details.
