
April 2, 2012

#63- Bathroom Paint & Tile Grout

Alright, even if it seems like the bathroom reno is moving really slow, I promise, we're about to get to the good part.  The reality is the demo is super fun (if you're twisted like us), and then the next week or so is all sorts of boredom.  You have to make any adjustments to the electrical and plumbing while the walls are open, then re-drywall the room, cement board for the tile, skim coat the ceiling (if you are a popcorn ceiling hater like us), and mud and tape that drywall for an agonizing few days.  Next comes the painting, you've got to prime, paint the ceiling and finally paint the walls. 

We went with Gliden's Marble Tile, which is the perfect combination of clay/tan/gray/green that I was looking for.  It's really earthy and neutral, and depending on the light the color really can change from tan to gray, to a little green.  Case in point it is much more green in these photos than in real life.

 You may have noticed that I hung our sconces up (without the glass shades to avoid an almost certain accident.  Again, the bottom of the wall will be subway tile, so the cement board is exposed for right now.

The shower obviously needs tile at this point too, but my beautiful new exhaust fan and light are up.  Success!

So while we wait for paint to dry, I could really use your opinion.  I've been planning on a clean, white subway tile for awhile now in this room because it is A.) A classic option I don't think we'll regret in 10 years, B.) Durable and easy to clean (this is a kid's room), and C.) They are incredibly affordable, we can tile the whole extra sink wall and still save a small fortune.

So subway tile it is, but what I can't decide, is what color grout...

Bright and shiny white?

Source: via Autumn on Pinterest

Or a more modern, rustic and natural looking gray?

Source: via Abby on Pinterest


I'm definitely liking the lighter gray better if we do it... what do you guys all think?  Please leave your vote in the comments below, as I'm about spent with decision making, and would love if you all could make this one for me.  Thanks!

If you're just joining us, here's a look back at the Main Bath project so far:


  1. Wasn't the previous grout in the bathroom a dark color? I thought that was one of the things that made it dingy, so I vote white grout.

    1. The previous grout I think was white at one point, but was really brown/black and just dirty from years of use. Not to mention the painted tile rain shower mosaic that we couldn't remove. :)

  2. I'm torn. I like the look of the white grout better, but I can tell you in our kid's bathroom it's hell to clean. I feel like the gray would be easier for upkeep. Helpful, right?

  3. I think my vote would be white grout also... I was just as torn as you with the white grout vs light gray grout.

  4. I like the way the gray looks, and I think it will show less. I worry that the gray grout will be dated. We had a nasty 80's bath with white subway tile and BLACK grout! Barf.
    One thought, could you grout it white and then if you don't like it, grout it gray? I think it would be difficult to go the other way...

  5. The difficutly in keeping white grout clean (even with religious sealing) over the years makes me vote for the light gray. I think the gray will also look slammin' (hello 90's!) with your wall color. Good luck!

  6. I am interested in working together. Take a look at what I have done and I'll do the same
    white marble tile
