
March 26, 2012

#62- Putting the Walls Back Up

Happy Monday guys! Let me start by saying thanks for allowing me the break on Friday.  At approximately 6:30 on Thursday night the Hub's tells me, "The dumpster is going to be picked up tomorrow.  Whatever we want in there, we need to get in there by the morning."  Then he proceeded to go to work for the evening.  Awesome.

It's not that he left me completely stranded, his plan was to just order another dumpster, as we were already pretty close to the top and we still had a whole mess of stuff in the garage to clean out and get in there.  It will come as no shock to you all though that this little cheap skate didn't think too highly of paying for another $200 dumpster (number 7 since we moved in I might mention), so after I put the little monster to bed I spent hours out in the garage sorting, cleaning, organizing, and hauling out to the dumpster.  Hub's said there was no way it would all fit, which was my personal challenge.  I'm proud to say that by midnight I was able to collapse in my bed, and slept well knowing the garage was clean, the garbage was out of it and the dumpster was perfectly level at the top.  You all didn't get a blog post, but let's be honest, something had to give.  I'm no Gweneth Paltrow.

So when we last visited the Main Bathroom she looked like this, all naked and exposed.

Let's make this lady purdy again, shall we?  We used this process to cut and hang the drywall again, which is almost becoming second nature around here. So easy in fact that I almost forgot to take photos for you guys.  Here are the couple-of-hours-in during photos.

Yes, the partial wall to the toilet and shower area went back up, (we just framed out a new one with 2x4s), and I have to admit that once we started putting drywall on it, I started getting cold feet.  The room just looked so much bigger without it... But the functionality that the door will add to this kids bathroom, as well as the focal-point-of-the-room barn door I plan to build, as well as the Hubs "you're kidding me right?" look when I suggested that we take it down again, all brought me back on course.  We did remove the larger header from the top so that the door opens all the way up to the ceiling, which gives it more openness, wouldn't you agree?  Here's the before:

I know what you're thinking- this room was so perfect.  Why would they tear it out?

Here's the look from inside the tub out towards the crime scene door.

The toilet will go back here.

Still a little more work yet to do, but look at that fabulous drywall progress, in the creepy mood lighting.

And here's the room the next day when it was finally all done.

Once again from inside the Potty Room, Water Closet, place were the toilet goes.

Notice that nasty ceiling once we scrapped off my arch nemesis the popcorn ceiling? Ugh- I guess I'm going to have to tackle that piece of garbage project again.

You may have notice that the bottom half of the wall where the sink will go looks different, and that's because we used Durock cement board there since we plan to tile a back splash from the floor up just on this wall. 

I realize now that it looks like I was taking a photo of our step stool and broom.  I'll try harder next time, promise.

The shower also received cement board instead of drywall all the way to the ceiling for optimal tile hanging.

Alright, almost done.  I took this photo before the put up the last piece.
Now comes my least favorite project in the world- mudding and tapping.  Seriously, I'd rather fix Fat Bastard's toilet than get into that dusty mess again.  But we started this project and there's no way to go but forward from here.

What did you all do this weekend?  While there was plenty of time spent in the bathroom (insert Thai food joke here), I also found some time for working in the yard, a little brunch, fun times with the kiddo and even some cookie baking.  Seriously, if Saturday's were an Olympic sport I would have won the Gold this weekend.  Anyone else do the Weekend Warrior?

As a reminder, here's the Main Bath reno process so far:


  1. We watched season two of Dexter and did some work in the garden. I would love some of your warm weather! Did you take any photos of your clean garage? Oh, and we saw Hunger Games.

    1. Photos of my garage triumph- I knew I forgot something! Sorry- it was late and I was exhausted. I'll put it on the to do list!

    2. Ooh- and I wish I had seen the Hunger Games! Hopefully the Hubs and I can go sometime this week!

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