
June 8, 2012

Nursery Project #1

Last week I shared with you my plans for the little bambino's Nursey, which officially lit a fire under me to get started.  The problem was that before I could begin anything fun in this room, I had to literally come clean and tackle the disaster that was this space.  Remember back when I did our closet series, and fessed up about my embarrassing Mudroom closet, Playroom closet, Downstairs Bathroom, broom closet and Guest Bedroom closet?  (Seriously- just listing all those spaces we had thrown random junk in while remodeling other parts of the house makes me ashamed.)  I'm all out there now, so I might as well come clean and show you the last disaster space in the house.  My sweet little baby's bedroom.

 Oh the shame.

Most of the storage in the room is actually bins and bins of baby boy clothes that we have so generously received from my brother and sister-in-law and our 2 very stylish nephews.  We've got more clothes here than Boomer could ever wear in his first year of life.  While they were in age order for the most part, my first step was to go through each bin and sort out by size to get it all organized.  It literally took me hours (over a couple of evenings after Ryder had gone to bed) to sort all the clothes into things Boomer could wear immediately, (0-6 months), and then a bin (or two!) for the sizes he would grow into.

I hung the 0-6 clothes in the closet, and placed the onesies, pants, pajamas and socks in the dresser.  Again, I'm not proud of myself here.

Obviously I had a little work to do in this closet to make all those other bins of clothing fit.  Currently this closet held a bunch of shelving and decor that hadn't found a spot in the house yet, as well as random big items like luggage.  After a few big nights of cleaning, and an honest assessment of what we would really use in this house, I had a car full of donation items and a closet that looks like this:

Look at the little shoes!  I die.
Lastly, while I love the armoire and the dresser in this room now (they were built for me by my father as a college graduation gift), they are a matching set with the bed and nightstand that is currently in the Guest Bedroom, and I want to keep all of these as a set.  We don't need clothes storage in the Guest Bedroom at this stage in our lives, so the Hubs moved these pieces into the closets of the Guest Bedroom so that they can be used for storage now, and pulled out later in our lives when one of our kiddos is ready to "move on up" to the big bed.   

NOW, I can finally start the projects.  Or at least that's what I thought.  Then the Hubs did this:

But more on that later- we've been busy!  I need a nap!

1 comment:

  1. I'm a sucker for little shoes, too. :-)

    Erin @ The Great Indoors
