
March 1, 2012

Disaster Closet #5

Just so you all don't think I'm getting lazy now that the Downstairs Bath remodel is done, let's take a peak behind door #5.  

Oh- you thought we were done cleaning closets after the first four?  (1, 2, 3, 4)  That's so sweet that you had such high hopes for me, perhaps you even thought I was a somewhat clean and organized person.  You're too kind.  No really, way to kind.  Since we moved into this house and pretty much immediately it became a construction zone, stuff got stuffed in every little room and closet that we have.  And over time I dug through each of those closets to pull out the one random thing I needed, which left me with closets like this...

I spent an evening sorting through the disaster, and ended up with this, which truthfully isn't very impressive.

But down the road I have big hopes for some more smart organization, like some of these beauties.

Let's lower the expectations for right now though, as I'm just glad I can shut the closet doors.  Damn you Pinterest for making me feel bad about myself again.  I didn't even know I wanted a sewing nook/closet until you showed me how great they can be... you jerk.

How about you guys?  Anyone else turn to Pinterest for inspiration and instead find inadequacy and jealousy?  Just me?

1 comment:

  1. LOL.....see what they did? Yes Erin, you NEED a sewing nook/closet....LAO.....I suspect it will be a fabulously organized addition.
