
June 16, 2011

Bath Crashers- Day 2 Part 1- Da Crane! Da Crane!

Day 2 of Bath Crashers started with a bang- quite literally, as we heard a loud noise which resulted in this in our Dining Room:

Yep, that huge hole in our ceiling is where one of our contractors slipped and fell through the floor.  Well, he didn't fall all the way... fortunately for us (and unfortunately for him) he had one foot on either side of a floor joist, so his jewels broke the fall.  (Sorry Tom!)  By this point we weren't all that shaken though, cause see that bucket on the table?  That's from the flood that came through our Dining Room light the previous evening due to a pretty massive water leak upstairs.  Unfortunately it took the life of our PA's computer that was positioned directly below.  You could definitely say we've had a little bad luck, so we're all crossing our fingers that these things don't come in threes.  The Hubs and I aren't all that concerned though, because before lunch they already had it patched up and looking like this:

They promised to have it all textured and patched by the end of shooting, so we're not too worried.  Besides, if we were worried about holes in the walls, then we would definitely be worried about this:

Recognize our Laundry Room?  They had to cut some pretty large holes in the wall to wire up some new electrical there on the right, and that box on the left is our new laundry shoot, which is one of my favorite features so far.  There's still a lot to do to patch, frame and set up a catch basket for the shoot, but I'm so excited to have an easy and quick way to get our dirty clothes from the Master Bedroom to the Laundry.  For the bathroom side, Matt and I spent sometime with a little DIY project creating the laundry shoot door.

I'm a little nervous about how they plan to edit this segment for the show, because things went a little awry.  I think Matt's plan for the segment was to build the frame, and make some good TV while teaching the girl how to run some power tools.  We probably should have told him that I know my way around a chop saw, table saw and Kreg Jig, because he was definitely not expecting my aptitude.  In fact, he took it a little personally, and I'm pretty sure he used the word, "demasculinize." It didn't help that he kept having minor malfunctions in the project, and I couldn't help but point them out.  (Nobody puts Baby in a corner.)  I stuck up for handy-women every where and tried to explain that there were plenty of women in the world that knew how to run power tools, but apparently he's never met any.  Before I knew it he had Jason out there and they were commiserating about how terrible it is to have a girl better at home improvement than they were.  It was pretty funny, but I'm not going to lie, it would have been nice if the story line didn't have to be, "Girl can actually run power tools."  Someday, right ladies?

Then things got really crazy when the crane showed up. Our new neighbors must think that we are completely nutzo, because we basically shut down the block for an hour while we air-lifted 10 huge, 300 lb, custom closet cabinets from the street from the Master Bedroom Deck.  The first one had me holding my breath, but after the second we were on a roll.

Don't you worry about a thing- his service is "Out of this World!"
We've got so much more to talk about, (sheet rock and tile and cabinets, oh my!) so stay tuned for that post tomorrow.  What do you guys think?  Have you all ever watched Bath Crashers?  (If not, set your TiVo, you'll be impressed, I promise!)  What's your favorite episode so far?  Any products or ideas that you particularly love?  We can't wait to see what happens next!

UPDATE: Follow our whole Bath Crashers Experience Here:
Bath Crashers- What it was Really Like


  1. Do you design the bathroom or do they? And do you know what they ate planning? Is this truely a dream bathroom?

  2. This is by far my favorite episode and it hasn't even been edited for TV yet! Can't wait!

  3. They design the bathroom, and they don't tell us anything! We did get to talk with them about what features and things we would like, and we also showed them some pictures of styles and designs that we love. I'm only seeing it come together piece by piece at this point, but so far this is a total dream come true. The materials and products they are using are often brand new, top of the line, never been used in residential spaces before. We are seriously the luckiest people I know.

  4. So interesting to get a behind the scenes glimpse. Do they know you are blogging this?

  5. That's a good question Kim, and the honest answer is that I'm not sure. We haven't directly told them that we were blogging about it, but they've certainly seen me taking photos and have never mentioned anything to us regarding sharing, posting to Facebook or blogging. (There is also no mention of it in any of the paper work we signed.) The Hubs and I discussed at length whether or not we should blog about it, and in the end we concluded that since our blog is all about the real time renovations occurring in our house, it would be disingenuous of us not to give you all the play-by-play. After all, they don't have any rules against it. We have made it a point to be very respectful though and not to divulge trade secrets or show items that we think they wouldn't want people to see before it was completed. It's the least we can do after all the amazing things they are doing for us! (And let me tell you... it's amazing! We can't wait to share it with you all on Monday!)

  6. Just curious about the laundry chute now that I assume you've had it a while. Do clothes ever get stuck on the way down (like somewhere in the chute)?

    1. Yes, they get stuck all the time! Luckily they don't have far to go (it's only about 3-4 feet), so we often just push from the top or pull from the bottom. Not ideal, but better than nothing!
