March 31, 2014

A 15 Minute Cabinet Makeover

The Swingin' Sixties kitchen that came with our cabin up north featured some pretty Gothic cabinet hardware.

The knobs came in two pieces, the actual knob and a "decorative" piece that fit in behind them.  It didn't take me long to realize one afternoon that I could unscrew the knob, remove that eyesore of a decoration, and then simply screw the knob back on.

Already a huge improvement:

Which got me thinking... these cupboards could go a long way with a simple hardware replacement.

Cue this gorgeous pile of junk:

Boden even got in on the action, helping Grandpa lightly sand, wash, and apply a little Old English to the area before we attached the new hardware. 

And in less than 15 minutes we had this game changer:

Sure, I'd still love to build new, Shaker style cabinet doors for these cupboards eventually, but that could be a lot of cash and time.  This little update will help me look past the cabinets for awhile and focus on the bigger issues.  (That floor!  Our new front door!  The fireplace! Did I mention that gross linoleum floor?)

1 comment:

  1. Those decorative pieces turned out to be a menace to fingers—at least mine—when we had some. I remember catching my fingernail (and drawing blood) under them too many times. Why we never thought to remove them is one of the mysteries of life.
