
April 10, 2012

#64- Let's Take the Subway

After the floor tile was laid and grouted, it was time to get started on those big, white subway tiled shower walls.  We decided to tile all the way to the ceiling for a tall and expansive look.  On the edges we used a bull nose tile that left us with a perfectly rounded edge.

We've tiled plenty a wall around here, including our Kitchen back splash, Downstairs Bath shower walls and Downstairs Bath accent tile, and we've been using our trusty wet saw that we purchased about 4 years ago for all of it (and lots of other tile projects back at the Bungalow.)  This time around though we brought in another must have tool.  We were introduced to it when Bath Crashers tiled our Master Bath, and certainly missed it during our Downstairs Bath remodel, so this time around we vowed to spend the money for one.  Little did we know it was only 20 beans.

This little gizmo scores and then snaps a tile cleanly in half.  It is quick, clean and easy.  The best part is it can sit right next to you in the room you are tiling in unlike the messy wet saw that we banish to the garage.  It was life changing how quick and easy it made our project.

Here is our little baby cleanly snapping a tile in half.  I love you tile cutter.

After day 1 I'm proud to say we knocked out the first two full walls of the shower.

But still had this bad boy to deal with:

 But that full wall tile is looking pretty good from the doorway already.

The next day we went back to finish up the last wall, which included a few little tricky parts.  We got super lucky though, because in all instances the plumbing fixtures came in a corner of a tile, not in the dead center.  We took a moment to worship the tile Gods and thank them for the good fortune they bestowed on us.

Unfortunately, not all was perfect, and there were just a few cases in which we had little slivers of space left over right in the corner.  Boo Tile Gods, boo.

I filled them with tiny little pieces (cut with the wet saw), and we're hoping that they will all but disappear when the grout is applied.  Cross your fingers.


Please try to ignore the wall touch ups.  We're fixing some areas of the drywall where our work was less than stellar.  The Hubs is going to burn the whole bathroom down.

Let's just celebrate progress, huh?  What do you guys think?  Any one else install subway tile lately?  Were you annoyed by the small, repetitive tile pattern or thrilled with the clean simplicity?  I'm mostly thrilled right now that it's over.  Well... almost.

If you're just joining us, here's a look back at the Main Bath project so far:


  1. It's funny that you mention your hubby wanting to burn your house down, because mine was plotting much the same in the middle of our mildew discovery last week.... However, we don't have nearly as much to do in our bathroom(s), so I'm watching your reno with admiration. Good luck and great job so far! :-)

    Erin @ The Great Indoors

    Our bathroom project:

    1. Oh my gosh- YUCK! I'm so sorry about your nasty surprise, but the good news is that you're getting it out of your house so that your family isn't breathing it anymore. I can't wait to see how you guys finish up the room! (And the Master bath once you get there.)

  2. You guys seem to be moving quickly! Looking good so far!
    I love white subway tile - so clean and simple! We just put a lot of in in our kitchen and love it. We had a few small slivers like you but they completely disappeared onced everything was grouted. Good luck!

    (Here's our tile:

    1. Wow- your subway looks fantastic! I just want to rub my hands on it. (What? Is that weird? I can't be the only one!) I'm glad to hear your little slivers disappeared, it's making me feel much better. Thanks!

  3. Yep, LOVE it! Looks so much more interesting than typically laid tile.
    subway tile
