
April 24, 2012

Anniversary Week- The Next Level

One year ago today we sold The Bungalow, and were homeless for 24 hours.  I remember how scared we were that something would go wrong the next day and that we'd have to keep all our worldly possessions on the moving truck indefinitely.  It was scarey, but really exciting.  As the Hubs and I drove away from our completely empty home that day, we turned on the radio and immediately heard Dave Mathews sing, "You and me together, can do anything, baby."  We silently held hands as our mind's raced with anxiety and hope.  It was a good day.

There have been 365 good and bad days in our project house since then, and yesterday I shared with you everything we've accomplished in our Foyer, Living Room, Dining Room and Kitchen.  Today let's talk about the next half flight up, which includes the Main Bath, Laundry Room, Guest Bedroom, Playroom, Ryder's Bedroom and future Kid #2 Room.

Knowing that the house would be a construction site for years a really long a$$ time, we didn't want our little man to feel like he was living in a junk yard, so even before we moved we planned to have his room all up and ready to go on Day 1.

 I refinished a bunch of furniture, built him a rocket bookshelf, sewed curtains and pillows, remade a broken lamp and installed the fun gear decals on his wall.


  We still really need to get a rug in here to soften up the space, but its been pretty comfortable for him so far. 

On the day we moved in we painted the Laundry Room, since we knew the washer and dryer were being delivered the next day.  If only we had known then that we'd need to repaint it 4 more times....

We added cabinet hardware too, which I'd like to enjoy, but I'm blinded by the electric blue counter and techno-color rug in this photo. We've come a long way baby.

Then we painted our Guest Bedroom, which served as our home for the first 3 months in this house until we had the Master Bedroom ready.

I took days upon days repainting all the white trim in these 6 rooms and hallway, which was terrible Lindsey Lohan cosmetic surgery mess.

 Much better.

I also made a lamp to brighten up the Guest Bedroom,


along with some curtains made from Target tablecloths.

I painted the closet doors in Ryder's Playroom for a magnetic art gallery.

After Bath Crashers left I had to patch up the mess that was left in the Laundry Room from the new laundry shoot they installed and electrical wiring.  (Paint Job #3. Number 2 was after a reinstall of some shelves that didn't stand up to the wimpy wall anchors, and eventually got taken down again by the Crashers.)


They had left us with this laundry catch solution,

But eventually I went back and retrimed out the shoot and reorganized the shelving to give a more homey feel.  (Paint Job #4)


I painted the walls in the Playroom a greenish-gray that turned out way to minty for my taste.  We'll work on the redo in Year 2.

Then I added a Flor Rug


and a made little art for the walls.

We gave Big Blue the boot in the Laundry Room when Ikea finally got their wood counter tops back in stock,

painted a rug for the floor,


and hung some fabric over our outlets and cords.

Turning the Laundry Room into one of my favorite and most complete rooms.  

I painted the closet in the Playroom for a fun pop of color.

And finally after all that, nearly a year later, we got around to what was possibly the worst room in the house.  Goodbye rain shower mural and world's ugliest vanity.

 Meet "The Persuader."  (That's what the Hub's calls the sledgehammer, not himself.  Just to be clear.)

Looking frighteningly psychotic...
You all know we're still working on this room, but here are the results we love so far.

If you're wondering what we've done to the other bedroom, the answer is not a thing.  It has basically been a storage room for us for a full year.  On occasion we've gone in there and straightened it out a bit, but its really just a dumping ground for the next project.  With everything else on The List, we're not going to deal with this bad boy until we have to.

Love seeing my little man in this inspection pic playing with a foam sword he found in the closet.  He had just turned two in this photo.  Time flies.
Like yesterday, that's not all of the stuff we did in these six rooms, but its the big stuff.  Although there's still a completely untouched room in the bunch, we've made some huge progress in the other ones.  Here's a few more things we'd like to tackle on this floor in Year 2:

- Finish up Main Bath with sliding barn door and accessories.
- Install wood floors in Hallway & Playroom to get rid of really gross stained carpet.
- Find a nice, soft rug for Ryder's Room.
- Maybe finally clean up the storage room that is future Kid Room #2.  We'll see.

Whew- we're only half done with the house review, but I'm getting tired just remembering it all.  It's been an amazing year, but looking back on this all now, I don't ever think we could do it again!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how much you've done in the last year! It's amazing what you can fit in when you really want to do it. :-) I only started reading recently, so I'm checking out the rug painting project and your precious rocket bookcase!

    Erin @ The Great Indoors
